Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Steph's Questions

My Questions:
1. What is your favorite genre of music?
I can't really answer this question.... alternative, pop, country,little bit of everything. I never really loved music growing up. It was't until I was "alone" that I started loving it. I would sit on iTunes for hours at night alone. It comforted me when I was alone. I used to always have music play in the house when it was just us girls. I think music is SO profound... there is song that now that I am re-married can not listen to.. to may memories! I LOVE music now!
2. What is your favorite book you have read?
I'm not a big reader.. SO for now it will just have to be the Twilight series, It the first set that I really loved!
3. Which would you choose... Chicken or steak?
STEAK!!!!!!! A big juicy medium rare one!
4. If you had one day to do anything you wanted to do, go anywhere you wanted to go, be with anyone you wanted to be with and spend as much money as you wanted to... how would that day go?
I would go to some beautiful beach with my husband and my girls. There would be someone in charge of bringing us food, so I wouldn't have to worry about what to feed the girls. And then at night I might have to do some kinda a shopping ;)
5. If you could change ONE thing about yourself (physically, emotionally etc.) What would it be?
I would change my self image... I hate that I beat myself up. I would give anything to be a confidant person and love myself! Also take to love handles away;)
6. What is your favorite color combination?
LOVE Nautical! Navy and white never get old to me...pu them together in a stripe pattern and I can't resist!
7. Where would be your dream location to live for the rest of your life?
I don't know yet... I haven't decided, but I'm leaning toward some land somewhere where I can send my children out to play for the day without worrying
8. What is your biggest fear when it comes to raising your family?
That I am not doing a good enough job. That my children don't know how much I love them. That my husband doesn't now how much I appreciate and love him.
9. If you were in a park and someone was screaming for help, what would you do?
Run away!!! hahaha Seriously being honest I think I would be to scared to help, sad hey?!
10. If you and your spouse were about to get your first pet, what would you get and what would you name it?
Let pretend that we were, and that we chose this pet together... In my dreams Polo does not exist :) So we would get a loved family dog that works for all of us. I don't know what we would name our loved family pet... not Polo
11. What is your perfect day in? You know... a day on a cold, rainy day.. what would you do?
Either re-finsh some great old piece of furniture or just lay in bed with my family and watch movies

Fyi- Blogger is being gay and wont let me change the text... so that's why it is all over the map!!! Stupid thing

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