Saturday, April 14, 2012

Just us girls

Mr. Wood is in Ecuador. This is his forth year going for a medical mission, they go over there and do hip replacements. He left on Tuesday morning. We miss him. I miss him more than I ever have before. When he went last year we missed him, but we were just engaged so it's not like he was always with us. I know how to be alone... but it takes a few days to get used to him not coming home at night. I excited for him to come back! He is a loved man around here!

So the girls and I are for the most part enjoying our time alone. Last night the girls went to a birthday party... I spent some time alone at the mall... found some good deals on stuff I didn't need;)

1 comment:

  1. It sucks being alone eh? I hate it and I'm horrible at it! YOu should call me and we can hang out while he's gone so you are TOO bored lol
