Monday, February 25, 2013

John Deere

Jordan LOVES John Deere
He longs to be back on a farm. Some of his fondest memories are those of the long days he spent in a combine. Jordan has a John Deere tractor collection that little boys dreams are made of. Well in a home with three little girls there is a special tractor that has joined all the green paint... It's the coveted pink tractor, that tonight is getting driven by a Lala Loopsy!
The girls actually love playing farm with dad.. although I don't think it is played the same way Jord think's it should. There is a little "Hi, im the pink tractor, what's your name?" instead of just tractor driving noise.

1 comment:

  1. I'm stalking, so I thought I would comment haha! I'm Amber and I knew Jordan in YSA. What you said about the girls playing tractors differently than Jordan expected made me laugh! Your little family is SO cute!
