Friday, February 15, 2013

Lauryn Josephine Wood

On May 4th, 2012 we found out that we would have a little baby joining our family. A few weeks later we told the girls. Brooklyn was excited from the second we told her, Georgia in true Georgia fashion was a little more skeptical. At 20 weeks we went and found out that it would be another little girl! Georgia had said all along "if it's a brother I will love it, if it's a sister I will not" so she was not very pleased when we told her it would be a sister. Luckily she had another 20 weeks to prepare, and as the 20 weeks passed she got more and more excited. Once we found out it was a girl we also began discussing names, at which time I found out that Jordan and I like completely different names?! So the next 17 weeks we "strongly discussed"/argued over names :)
 At 33 weeks I started to get really itchy and after a few blood test it was confirmed that I had cholestasis. So I was told that I would most likely be induced at 37 weeks... which I was not super excited about. Lauryn's due date was January 10th 2013. I had planned to have all my Christmas decorations down and a clean home and Christmas over with... but it looked like my plan really didn't matter anymore.So we began talking about what day I would be induced, my 37 week happened to be the week before Christmas. So my midwives decided that we would begin trying to get a bed at the hospital on December 19th.
I got up that morning and showered knowing today could be the day and still for some reason I was in disbelief when Carol called at 8:00am on December 19. She told us the Labour and Delivery floor was empty so meet her at 8:30 at the Foothills Hospital. I rushed and got the girls ready. Georgia was going over to Jenn Peipgrass's and then my parents would grab her that afternoon and Brooklyn would go with Max and Norah to school. We rushed out the door and were on our way. With the other girls I was overdue. Brooklyn was 4 days late and Georgia 5. So it was just a really strange feeling to me to be heading to the hospital to have a baby feeling just fine. Other than being itchy I had a wonderful pregnancy (little nauseous in the beginning and low iron (sleepy) at the end) but over all it was good. It seemed like it just flew by!
So we got there and and waited a little while well they cleaned the room that Carol wanted (the one with the tub). Carol broke my water in triage while we waited. Then we walked around for a few hours and grabbed lunch. nothing was really happening so they started the pitocin at about 1pm. By 3 o'clock I was feeling the pain! I had decided early in my pregnancy I was going to try to have this one naturally. A few times over the next 5 hours I told Carol that I couldn't do it... she told me I could. Jord did great through it all, rubbed my back (which killed, because as we would learn she was face up which gives wicked back labor) he also rotated ice cold clothes on me while I was in the tub.
Then at exactly 9:00pm on December 19, 2012 little
Lauryn Josephine Wood
entered the world. Weighing 7Lbs 1oz. and 19.5 in long

We were home by 11:00pm that night. Grandma Wood had driven up earlier in the day and was waiting in our living room when we got home. She was so excited to meet this tiny little babe. Kissed and loved her then all went to bed with our new little bundle. The next morning Jen brought Brook over, it was her last day before Christmas break but the excitement of her new sister kept her home! Grandma and Grandpa Vermunt brought Georgia home later that day and also came to meet little Lo.
Grandma Debby stayed for the next 3 days taking great care of all of us. Which included following the rules set by the midwives to avoid stairs for the first 3 days. Then on the 22nd Grandma went home. That same night we found out that our little Lauryn was jaundice and needed to go spent a night in the tanning bed. She did that and then with a little convincing we were discharged on the 23rd.

We had our little Christmas baby. Auntie Steph and Sarah were SO happy that she came early because they both got to meet her then. If she had been born on her due date they wouldn't have met her until April when they were done school.
So as I write this our little babe is 8 weeks old. She is the most calm, easy going baby ever. She never really cries or even gets fussy. She grunts when she is hungry. If she does cry, it's only for a minute and she is very easy to comfort. The girls are OVERLY OBSESSED with their new baby sister. She is a lovely addition to our little family.
Lauryn is seriously THE ONLY name we could agree on and Josephine in my Grandma Edna's middle name (also mine). So that is how we chose her name... I still sometimes secretly think she should be my little Charlotte... but Lauryn is growing on me ;) I call her my little Lo. So she might be referred to as that once and while on the blog.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww I love it!
    Rob and I couldn't decide on names either and had a hard time agreeing too. You're not alone! Can't believe she is 8 weeks!!
